By train or bus

Depending on the starting point, the destination stations are Marseillan Plage, Agde, Béziers, Narbonne, Sète or Montpellier. Our tip: On the platform you can book the cheapest tickets with the largest train and long-distance bus companies.

By car

On the A9 coming from the south take exit 34 (Vias/Agde/Pézenas), on the A9 coming from the north take exit 33 (Mèze/Sète/Bouzigues).

By plane

Depending on airline and departure airport, you can land either in Beziers-Cap d’Agde, Montpellier, Nîmes, Carcassone, Perpignan, Toulouse, Marseille – or in Girona or Barcelona in Spain.


Agde 7 km
Sète 23 km
Béziers 31 km
Montpellier 49 km
Narbonne 56 km
Nîmes 97 km
Perpignan 117 km
Avignon 137 km
Tolouse 200 km
Marseille 210 km
Barcelona 307 km